Monday, April 20, 2009

Like mother, like daughter

The other day, I was getting ready in our bathroom and I heard a shuffling sound, Kate was wearing one of my heels and trying to walk in it! It was so cute and warmed my heart a bit! The other pics are of Easter Sunday and Kate enjoying some "chocolate yogart" as Andrew likes to call it!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New Couch

We got a new couch about a month ago. It was great when Josi was out staying, she sleept on the pullout, and said it was pretty comfortable. Here is a few random pics of the kids, the kids lounging and then Kate on the 4 wheeler.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring Break and the week after!

We had a great spring break, the last week of March. We worked on potty training with Andrew. He is getting the potty part down, we are continueing to work on the other! Katie was also very interested and hopefully will be easy this summer!!! On Friday, March 27th, the kids and I went to Twin falls and picked up Josi. She was with us the entire next week. We all had lots of fun while she was here. Brian was gone for 2 days during the week, so it was nice to have someone home with the kids and I. On Thursday, I took a day off and we went and toured TVCC, the college in Ontario, and went to Boise. I treated her to Thai food and her first pair of 4 inch heels!! We had a great time. Brian, the kids and I took her back on Sunday, April 5th, to Twin falls to meet her friends. Every day she went and got the kids from day care around noon. She said her favorite part of the whole week was how excited they would get when she would knock on the door. Both kids had a great time with her, Andrew told her he loved her and would say "OK Josi". Katelyn learned her name and would call her Jo.